Saturday 3 July 2010

How to do it

Considering the post below, this is how variance estimation under Simple Random Sample design can be performed (as per post below). Here we use Taylor Linearization but others methods are also available.

In R, load package "Survey"

mydesign<-svydesign(id=idnumber,weights = wgtem,data=mydata)
svymean(varx,design = mydesign)  #mean and standard error for varx.
svyby(~varx,~agex,mydesign,svymean) #now by age.

Using Stata:

svyset idnumber [pweight=wgtem], vce(linearized)
svy, vce(linearized): mean varx, over(agex)

Agex are age ranges, varx is the variable for which we want to calculate the mean. wgtem is the weighting variable. I have found interesting looking at the Design Effect as a measure of weight efficiency. If Design Effect is too high than maybe we should consider collapsing levels of variables to get less extreme weighting factors. If you want to calculate Design Effect make sure your weights add up to the total target population.

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